Sunday, December 26, 2010


Mwahahaha! I have so far written at least one blog a month since I started this-- I think. Maybe I got that wrong, I'm not so good with months. I often think that August is actually November (or at least that the order is October August or that September doesn't exist).
And so, this is my December post, to continue on the tradition. Perhaps there will be two December posts, or more. Who knows? I may go completely blog mad and write a hundred- but that will be determined at a later date. Right now, I will ensure there is no risk of not having a December post by making one. And this is it! Wow, isn't it the best ever December post that I've ever written (so far in my life)? There is no need to point out that I havn't ever had a December post before as my blog started in May. Absolutely none. And if you do, I will travel to your house (where ever that may be, Africa, Iceland, I will be there) and personally slap you. HA! Won't say it now, will you?!
Alright, moving on. All my family is watching Harry Potter. Most of 'em anyhow, as they came down for christmas. Have you noticed that Harry Potter is played every year (all of the movies one night after the other, in order) at the same time, just after christmas. Are we all Harry obsessed? This is like THE movie that everyone knows. I think if we had one national movie- like a national anthem- it would be Harry Potter. Even though its not a New Zealand movie, its just that everyones seen it. Honestly, if there is someone that hasn't watched Harry Potter, everyone will be incredulous- it's even worse than not owning a television (and believe you me that is met with utter disbelief). I wonder if everyone in the ENTIRE world has seen it. Discluding perhaps those that are rather not well off (wow that's almost politically correct).
Actually, if we truly did have a national movie it would probably have to be NZ and therefore something like The Whale Rider or Boy.
Christmas is being politically corrected in America, apparently. They (who ever 'they' are, they truly owe a lot, I mean 'they' were responsible for my house being robbed and all the presents being taken on christmas eve) have decided that christmas is disrespectful to other minority religions. So 'they' are slowly changing everything- christmas trees are now called 'holiday' trees, christmas cards 'seasonal' cards or 'holiday greetings', and so on, and christmas will become something truly strage like 'The Holiday', all capitalised for importance but with no reference to anything at all.
The minority leaders said that they don't really care what christmas trees are called and so forth, but its happening all the same. Stupid overly correct 'they'. Extremists.
December blog good enough for you? I think so. Goodnight :D

1 comment:

  1. ...I havn't seen Harry Potter... nor have I read any of the books.
