Friday, May 21, 2010

Frozen Peas ^^

Don't you love it when you take the frozen peas out of the freezer in order to have your favourite snack of slightly defrosted peas, BUT (and imagine suspenseful music playing in the background here, du-na da-nuh da-nuh danuhdanuhdanuh!!!) it turns out the bag is OPEN and UPSIDE-DOWN and suddenly there are frozen peas all over the floor, leaving you standing there, (sad slow violin music) forlorn, holding an empty pea bag, and wondering how life can turn so suddenly, leaving you with nothing but an empty bag for comfort.

Haha i sound so EMO!!!!!!!! ---who , by the way, have REALLY AWESOME fashion. They truly do have the coolest clothes and hair styles! Though I'm less keen on the wrist violin part--- But it's true, life can turn suddenly. Or it can seem to. But then when you look at it, it hasn't really changed that much. Afterall, you don't HAVE to be eating peas at right that minute. Although it could have been nice. Theres nothing for it but to clean up the spilt peas (no use crying over spilt peas?) and get on with life. They are only a small, though seemingly immediate, part (I'm trying to convince myself here).

It happened just last night. And frozen peas go EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! They are incredibly difficult to clean up. But I held my head high, the tears stained only my heart, stained it black, and I dramatically wailed "I will survive" at the top of my lungs (probably causing mum to be slightly concerned at my mental state. Peas don't seem that high up on the heart-breakers list).

And then I watched Sherlock Holmes. It was cool!! Though I am not a very good judge of movies. I tend to think that evey single one I see is great. Perhaps because I don't watch them very often.
*sigh* I loved (well, I still love, but it will have to be different peas this time), I lost (for now they are gone, dirtied, sullied by the opposing floor- How rude, to touch my beloved peas in such a disgusting manner!), I moved on to bigger and better things (in this case, a movie. Though how much better, I can't say, I mean peas can be really good, and I was kind of craving them. It was definitely bigger though; it lasted a lot longer than the peas would have). It surely was an incredible night, full of excitement, sorrow, happiness, drama (although many of these emotions were second-rate, caught from a movie, already used and tossed now unto me where they hang, barely fitting, and much less glorious than they seemed from my perch on the couch) and life changing realisations (such as, you probably shouldn't take a pea bag out of the freezer upside down, especially if it is open).
Life can change suddenly. And YOU, yes YOU, (hehe visualising an army poster) the one reading my blog; creepy old man, confused youth, evil person who is about to comment on how stupid I am and ruin all of my dreams, whoever you are, you should try eating slightly defrosted peas (Especially if they are baby mint peas, when they are no longer frozen but still cold, and they're so juicy because all the ice has melted and the're all sweet! Ah, it makes me so happy just thinking about it!), just try them. You don't HAVE to like them. Not really. I mean its not like I'm gonna hunt you down, with my samurai sword and cool as yellow jumpsuit (Go kill bill go!), and threaten you till you swear you will enjoy (not eat, ENJOY, it's different) them every night, and even take them to the movies instead of popcorn. No, I wouldn't do that, (And I am most definitely not laughing nervously right now, nor are my eyes shifty, no... most definitely not! How could you even think that of me?!)
Just try them. But be warned, they are addictive. And try not to let them slip from your ever-loving grasp, as they did from mine.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Introductiony piecey thingy :)

I've never written a blog before. I'm a newbie, a noob. I thought I'd start with the usual;
Hallo. ---Which is way cooler than hel-lo, which sounds slightly american (no offense Americans). Robot New Zealand accent For The Win!!!---
How are you? ---actually this is a question i hate!!! Its right up there with "Are you sleeping?" and "Are you okay?" Of course I'm okay, theres just a pole through my stomach, no biggie. Does it look like I'm okay?... Another stupid question. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! Stupid questions dominate our world. They truly do. They are taking over, all the intelligent questions are being squished down into infintessimal pieces so small they are unable to be realised, or heard. But never mind that, back to 'how are you?'. Because many people may believe this is a nice, kind, courteous question, which shows that they care about our well-being (very nice, I'm honoured to be the subject of your interrogative 'how are you'. I truly am.) and they MUST be disillusioned!!! Its cumpolsory.
So, "how are you?". The subject of this questioning is caused to reflect back on his/her/its lifeand how things have actually been going for them. And if it hasn't been that great- as often SOMETHING in our lives isn't, no matter how small- then thay are REMINDED!! Reminded of all the world-suck, which, even though we would much rather believe otherwise, usually relates only to our own mini selfish worldsuck (as 'how are you' is a very selfish question to answer. Bring the others down with our pain, our own miserable world, or give the half-hearted I'm good?). To be reminded is not good, in my humble opinion, and surely he/she/it would rather stay in blissful forgettance- you may call it ignorance- where all seems fine and dandy, at least on the surface. Afterall, ignorance is bliss.
I have a proposition, although I don't expect anyone would actually follow it. Instead of saying "how are you?" and bringing to light all the unhappiness of the world, we should instead greet each other with the much happier and reassuring "You're great!", affirming at once he/she/its mood within the scheme of things and also complimenting them on how wonderful they are :D
If you don't want them to get a big head you could say "Your life rules!" (of course at first you wouild get some odd looks but soon everyone would get into it :P
Personally I would like to adopt the phrase "French the Llama, you're awesome!!"
These would cause a much more positive reaction of thought such as "my life has been rather good lately" focusing on all the GOOD things in life, which all too often are forgotten.
Sorry, I like to ramble. Maybe its becauseI can't really do that in real life? Just on paper. In words. Words are my friends ^^