Thursday, July 22, 2010

Erm,... Bitch session?

I still don't have any "real" followers (as in they are all my friends in real life! I don't have any e-stalkers!!), although I have only written 3 posts. And I guess the issue is that if all people are like me almost noone would get followed. I'm more interested in writing the posts than reading them. This makes me feel slightly vain. And I can't figure out how to work this website! How do I follow or even view someones profile when they have followed me?
ahh it seems I am in a complaining mood. It is indeed a sad thing to be. A teenager, I mean. One who is lacking in the skills that should be naturally in their system. Due to evolution and such. Growing up in a sea of such knowledge so that surely, in some manner or other, they must absorb it through their skin in such a way as to be able to know everything there is to know about it. I.e. they are perfect and flawless in their aproach to it. And by 'it' this whole time I have been refering to technology. Which my generation is meant to know and understand and use and be able to do small tiny things such as follow a friend on blogger! *gasps for breath*
*fails epically at being a 'true' teenager*
Right, what to complain about next? Though searching for things to complain about probably shouldn't be a thing to do. I am meant to be the eternal optimist afterall. (or so I am told)
I'm gonna jump into bitchy mood here. Its not so far from complaining mood. Not far at all. They could even be confused, especially since complaining is mainly bitching about inanimate objects.
Anyway, what i would like to bitch about, is STUPID HYPOCRITICAL PEOPLE!! Especially hypocritical religious people. Because they preach one thing and say another. In this case Christian hypocrites are pissing me off. :D
They're wonderful truly, I have nothing against christians, but surely, surely, you can't do something and be okay with it just because you pray and the lord gives you forgiveness for it?! Like, its okay to do it, whatever it is, because afterwards you can just pray and God will forgive you for giving this person all this crap and basically ruining their life (even if only for a period of it. Its still crap. And that sucks.) because you said sorry. To Him. And asked for forgiveness. From Him. From God. WHat?! What about the people you hurt? Theyre the ones you should be apologising to! Not God! If you make it alright with the people you hurt, then you should get forgiveness. If you make up for treating them badly and pissing them off or whatever it was you did, then you should be allowed forgiveness. Because otherwise you aren't truly sorry. You're just saying you are. Stupid hypocrites. Stupid people.
Alright. I'm done. I think. Thats it. My bitch. Sorry if I offended you. Please stop being hypocrites everyone. Don't worry friend followers this has nothing to do with you (but then I guess you aren't christians, so how could it?) I'm just rambling :D
Have a nice winter! Here in NZ, where the sun shines meekly and sorrowfully through the clouds at the hypocrites walking below, and occasionally God will point down, hinting to the sun about a passer-by, a REAL bad hypocrite, and a christian one too, and the sun makes sure that when summer time comes around it burns that person twice as hard as the other lesser hypocrites (because we are all hypocrites at one point or other, usually without meaning to, I'm sure) and they really pay for their sins. Not that they know they have. What goes around comes around. Yin yang and all that. BEWARE HYPOCRITES! YOU WILL GET BURNT!


  1. I so get what you mean ! Im sick and tired of this shit !

  2. Amen sister ! Do you have a religous fam ?

  3. Look! Someone other than us read your blog!
    Yay! *insert happy emoticon here*

  4. There are worse things then hypocrites, so please stop insulting me...
