Monday, June 7, 2010

Trees, I suppose...

I am writing this for two reasons;
1. Luke said he would disown me as a friend if i did not write an awesome blog by the end of the week :( that is very sad Luke. You should be ashamed of yourself.
2. To procrastinate. I am 'meant' to be doing a biology report. But 'supposed to' never seems to make too much difference.
ahh and my computer keeps stuffing up! But at least it is raining. I like the rain. Its better than sunshine. But best is when its kinda overcast. Foggy. Cold, but nice because its cold. Or freezing. Which makes you feel alive, truly awake to each sensation. Until you go numb. And then the world still has a lining of silver, a frosty brilliance. Everything seems crystal clear, no confusion.
And Autumn. Autumn is the best season. With the leaves changing colour and falling. The world washed with sepia colour, occasional splotches of evergreen pleasantly interrupting the nostalgia.
The leaves falling from the trees, trees falling from the earth, the sky, everywhere. Just falling. Its almost as if, in that breif moment between heaven and earth, they are flying. Truly free. Drifting and twirling, dancing to their eventual demise. What a way to go. Enjoying their final hours. Their final fall.
*sigh* but it's no longer Autumn. The trees are but skeletons now. Their branches stark naked, bereft of their leafy shroud. And though still beautiful, still georgeous and alluring, there is a dwelling feeling, like a hint, an almost forgotten yearning for their clothing to be once more, their shroud to hide the shapely forms, to leave some things to the imagination. Because sometimes it's more exciting to peer beneath the shroud yourself, peel away the layers, rather than have it there in front of you, obvious and public. It gives a feeling of accomplishment, an excitement. These winter trees are sluts, the whores of nature, second only perhaps to the pukekos which mate with everyone and anyone that they should meet, although probably only those of their species, I should hope so anyway.

Right, I set out to write an awesome blog, to procrastinate and hopefully deter Luke from friend dumping me, and ended up calling trees sluts? hmm but I am in a strange sort of poetical mood. And there is a message of a sort within there, if you look through the kinda obvious metaphores.

I must apologise to you, trees. I love you I really do. I'd just prefer it if you kept your clothes on once in a while!
No, I lie. I like your graceful forms, the way you reach towards the sky, and glisten in the moonlight. There is a beauty within you, a sort of hopeless desperation, and try as I might, despite all possible evidence to the contrary (in this blog no doubt) I do love you. Don't tell the evergreens but they suck! Green all year round, I've always thought they were dull. They never change their look, never embrace the cold crystal clear truth, the freezing mind, which allows a simplicity of thought, a holiday. Instead they fuzz everything over with layer after layer of leaves, a mesh of lies, which confuse the soul. They never reveal their true selves, granting those who listen to their rustling tales nought but a headache, confusion, clouds.
Yes, evergreen trees make clouds. Its to do with the wind blowing through their leaves, if we didnt have any evergreen trees, there would be no clouds in winter :D
Now I have contradicted myself, but they're two different ideas. And truly trees are beautiful. And truly I love Autumn. And truly I don't want Luke to friend dump me; sorry if this isn't awesome enough for you! (i mean truly it isn't a blog, but a rambling of poetical thought. But then, a blog is for expressing ones ideas?)
I leave you with a final command; Don't Forget To Be Awesome!